This is My Testimony 2

This is my testimony…

I just came back home from the preparations for our Vacation Bible School and Day 2 wrapped up earlier as I continued to teach the 5 year old and below which included my daughter S, 6.

My Darling, QRST and Gwen helped with the crafts and preparation for our class presentation. If we ask the Lord for help, He will give us His answer to our prayer. I focused on meditating about the Word that will be shared. I am humbled by these 6 years old and below children that though the first day was challenging, the second day was even better if we let the Holy Spirit move. I learned more than I could teach.

The more practical the lessons are, the deeper their learning.

Know that even if there is a burden, God will not leave you empty handed. He will carry you through. He will equip you where He will lead you. Just trust Him and He will prosper every plan you commit to His care. He was already victorious 2000 years ago and that’s the Truth that sets us free.. So continue to read and nail God’s Word in the door post of your classrooms or home or bedroom and in everywhere you are. Fear not in declaring war against the enemy, on our knees we march to victory.

God doesn’t choose the age of those who are willing to be filled by His goodness. Even a 3 year old can sing, dance, praise and worship the One true God when they are ushered to the One who knew them before they were formed in their mother’s womb. God’s Word is alive and active! #SpeakLife2023

Thankful to my family who helped a lot in this calling and vision for the children.

Project Faith, Fitness, Family and Friends





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