Monthly Archives: April 2018

Choose Your Words Wisely

“Yes, I am hungry.” Sounds way kinder than “Can’t you see it’s already dinner time? Ofcourse, I’m hungry!”

For years, I had been battling with the composition of my words. How do I put these in a kinder more acceptable way. The greatest challenge came when our children joined us.

The best thing about children is that they are insistent. This is so true. When our children started crawling at the age of 7 months they pursue things which are shiny and colorful. They are amazingly attracted to sounds. So, when they crawl from across the room and I have a gut feeling that they’d slip face forward I shout, “No!”. They jerk and start crying. Babies know how harsh words, tone of voice and actions make them uncomfortable. They know who they should distance themselves to.

I believe it’s true to all. No matter how grand our credentials can be if we didn’t undergo the training of the artistic use of words then we end up hurting everyone. The high demand of soft and kinder response is high most especially to those closest to us – family. May we draw from the reminder of our God that no matter who the person may be we should be quick to answer gently. #GentleAnswers