Category Archives: Work

Work related articles.

This is My Testimony Day 3

This is my testimony…

We just came back from the preparations for our Vacation Bible School and Day 3 wrapped up yesterday as I continued to teach the 5 year old and below which included my daughter S, 6.

With just 4 hours of sleep, I was rushing to give My Darling and I the time to travel back home with QRST and Gwen. Then Q requested that we finish the craft that I was needing to put in the envelopes of the 5 year olds. This rang real loud to me and how he wanted to accomplish a task he started.

This, to me is a character I didn’t expect our children would be displaying today. As the Holy Spirit would lead, every effort has a great impact on each children. I am thankful because God’s presence is resounding in our children’s life. To God indeed be all the glory alone.

Our family’s mission continues as the Lord wills and that is to reach out to each soul to the ends of the earth.

Know that this challenge cannot be overcome by shear human strength but by God’s strength. So continue to read and nail God’s Word in the door post of your classrooms or home or bedroom and in everywhere you are. Fear not in declaring war against the enemy, on our knees we march to victory.

God doesn’t choose the age of those who are willing to be filled by His goodness. Soon enough you will reap a God centered harvest if you don’t give up.! #SpeakLife2023

Thankful to my family who helped a lot in this calling and vision for the children.

Project Faith, Fitness, Family and Friends

This is My Testimony 2

This is my testimony…

I just came back home from the preparations for our Vacation Bible School and Day 2 wrapped up earlier as I continued to teach the 5 year old and below which included my daughter S, 6.

My Darling, QRST and Gwen helped with the crafts and preparation for our class presentation. If we ask the Lord for help, He will give us His answer to our prayer. I focused on meditating about the Word that will be shared. I am humbled by these 6 years old and below children that though the first day was challenging, the second day was even better if we let the Holy Spirit move. I learned more than I could teach.

The more practical the lessons are, the deeper their learning.

Know that even if there is a burden, God will not leave you empty handed. He will carry you through. He will equip you where He will lead you. Just trust Him and He will prosper every plan you commit to His care. He was already victorious 2000 years ago and that’s the Truth that sets us free.. So continue to read and nail God’s Word in the door post of your classrooms or home or bedroom and in everywhere you are. Fear not in declaring war against the enemy, on our knees we march to victory.

God doesn’t choose the age of those who are willing to be filled by His goodness. Even a 3 year old can sing, dance, praise and worship the One true God when they are ushered to the One who knew them before they were formed in their mother’s womb. God’s Word is alive and active! #SpeakLife2023

Thankful to my family who helped a lot in this calling and vision for the children.

Project Faith, Fitness, Family and Friends





This is My Testimony

This is my testimony…

I just came back from the preparations for our Vacation Bible School and Day 1 wrapped up earlier as I teach the 5 year old and below which included my daughter S, 6.

I had so much to do especially the crafts but then I let go of anything I couldn’t catch up anymore and focused on meditating about the Word that will be shared. I am humbled by these 6 years old and below children that though there were challenging kids, there were a few who would team up with me in desiring to know God more.

Know that even if there is a child who still are caught up with the lies told to them, there is the Truth that sets them free – God’s Word. So continue to read and nail God’s Word in the door post of your classrooms or home or bedroom and in everywhere you are called to empower the new generation. You are used for such a time as this.

I can cry now because this is a fight not that I can win by my own might and strength but by the Spirit of the Lord. On my knees I battle with the enemy and I declare war against any lies planted in the hearts of the coming generation.

The battle I choose to face now, is a victory that God will give to me and a victory over my children and the coming generation. So, I face this battle by God’s Spirit and I accepted the responsibility of being broken now than having my children suffer the consequences of my passivity. Thanks Jamie Lee Schartiger your post is very timely.

Thankful to my family who helped a lot in this calling and vision for the children.

Project Faith, Fitness, Family and Friends

Plan B

We planned to go fishing yesterday May 29th, however, some errands were needed to be accomplished during this day. Despite my thoughts of meeting the planned activity while we have a holiday out, I quickly searched for activities as plan B. We ended up booking some tickets at Sky Ranch in SM Baguio.

The signage at Sky Ranch before entering to register for the entrance fee.

We were able to catch a few deals with unlimited rides on some selected rides which were available yesterday. By the time we entered, they were taken by the rides out front.

S and T checking out the Merry Go Round

We had fun and we couldn’t have asked for more. They were amazed at the rides and the games as well. Our decision to have unlimited access to the rides was all worth it.

We got to experience robotics and technology up close. Our recent topic about the Great Big Wheel was now possible for us to see up close. They were amazed at the design, engineering and plans behind all of this. During this time that we went, it was windy and raining every now and then, which made us feel sad that we didn’t get the chance to ride the train ride and the Baguio Eye (Ferris Wheel).

The huge Ferris Wheel up close. They call this the Baguio Eye at Sky Ranch

Faced by Determination

As she said in this Japanese article, “In life, there are many setbacks. I always tell myself, ‘don’t give up, head straight for your goal.” – Gabriela Andersen – Schiess

I was not yet born in ’84 and who knew that this happen 2 years before my birth and how her determination moved many.

Since God mentioned in Hebrews 12:1 NLT Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

I gave running a shot and true enough there was a big reason why God mentioned about running metaphorically and literally.

When I run, I am always reminded of why I do so – all for the glory of God. I always run for a reason and that reason was never about being healthy. If there is a platform with positive effect on the body, mind and soul I praise God that running is one He made possible for me. The focus I could have while running, the accomplished kilometers behind me and the nearing to the finish line brings me to that moment when God lead me to do what I should do, encouraged me to continue what I am doing and welcoming me when I arrive to where He wanted me to be.

I run because I run in the path of Your commands, for You have broadened my understanding.
Psalms 119:32 NIV

Homeschooling – Intentional Parenting
FAITH Fitness Center – FFC

Project Faith, Fitness and Family





Faced by Determination

Education is Learning

If our outlook about education is learning. That is a great start.

When I was studying, I view education as vengeance to my parents. They are workaholic and never sat with us to even dine with us. I was left to care for my 2 siblings. The blessing here was, it saved me from vices, promiscuity and orgies. I am found in the library, sitting with fellow students for a competition and while I did so, I thought that my achievements would catch the attention of my parents and pause to appreciate what I achieved. To my dismay, this never happen. That is why I mentioned I end up being second best for them.

Now, that I am homeschooling, I view education as loving God.

2 Timothy 2:15 KJV 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

I like KJV for this because it carried the word ‘study’ . We educate to build a habit of learning. We don’t educate to pass a test but having a high score in test is a blessing too. Since learning is a continuous process, even learning hard things takes a lot of loving too. It’s difficult to learn when our minds are closed in understanding. BUT, be firm in your footing, learning can also lead you astray which was what happen to a close woman I know who took law. It’s saddening.

Do I belong to a Christ Centered Home?

A Christian home to me is a home of faith, fullness and fruitfulness in Christ Jesus.

I belong to one with my hubby and 4 kids despite the challenges.

I was reminded of God’s Word, 8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:8,9,16-18

There are constant correction from the Word, open communication from our Hearts and directed back to God’s will in the end.

I have my thoughts, our kids and hubby has too and it’s open to be shared here at home with the blessed anointing God is giving my hubby my emotion is not in chaos. Obedience is still at work as we form this through God’s Word but even we as parents we openly share that we are under training because obedience brings blessings.

The many wonders God does with nature is the same God who works wonders to our marriage, Parenting, sibling relationships and more…

We were just seated while having breakfast and God starts working that I couldn’t catch up in journaling everything LOL His ways are higher than our and His thoughts are lot our thoughts either.

Study in Action

My love to study revolved around poverty. I wanted to help my family from the bondage of debts and having no permanent address. The more I study, the more frustrated I became because another person excels better than I.

So, I graduated college received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, worked and prayed to provide a home for my parents and yet the bondage is still evident even though the prayer had been answered.

Before, I study and end up being a perfectionist. Now, I study to submit my thoughts and carnality to God each day. This results to being prepared to share Christ to my un believing family.

My thoughts, we study because of a driving force or vision. May our driving force be to love God and have compassion for people. What does your child want to do? Did they share their thoughts to you? Was there anything they would want to work on which they enjoy doing and could spend time on doing so excellently? Were there opportunities they were exposed to preparing the way of Christ and making His path straight? From here, ask open ended questions and you’ll be surprise what you’d learn. 😃 😊

HomeschoolBravely2022 #HomeschoolForMe2022 #GumpicSchooling2022

Focused Listening

To answer a question about children not performing well in Math or any subjects at all.

Here is my answer: We don’t put pressure in learning any subjects at all. What’s important for us is to catch the moment when QRST are most welcoming to learning. Yes, we have a 1 to 2 hour intentional learning where we cover nearly about anything and questions they may have but never to sit, time for Math kind of thing. In between our 1 to 2 hour intentional time, when all I could do is listen to them, I insert a worksheet to avail myself to listen to the next learner. And, to my surprise Math, Science, History etc. Were accomplished even without them noticing.

Basically, how I would want to learn is how I should approach my learners. If the teacher is listening to me then s/he is worth learning from. If I am coerced to doing things, chances are I won’t open my ears neither my heart to anything. #HomeschoolBravely2022 #HomeschoolForMe2022 #GumpicSchooling2022

I Am Not Qualified

As an answer to the rising question, I was not raised religiously and neither was I a Christian at birth. How can I homeschool and teach the Bible to my children?

I was not raised religiously neither was I brought up in a Born Again, Bible Believing, Holy Spirit led Christian home. One thing I know, is to read the Bible in different translations and by faith be led by the Holy Spirits teaching and understanding. My husband is an Apologist and he taught me to go back to the roots of our profession – Language Teaching – and this became the backbone of our studying the Word to be approved a workman rightly dividing the truth. We now study context, reading by chapter/book to establish ourselves in God’s Word and know more of how the Bible – the most artistic manual for humanity – one could ever read.

When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior, I was drawn to read the whole book of Romans. In desperate hunger – tears were all coming down on the pages as I turned each one. The book became alive to me in 2005. The root is – read, listen and be like the Bereans. Read what was shared to confirm if what anyone was sharing is the truth. Be vigilant at the same time because even the demons know God and they shudder. Be humble in learning. The joy of homeschooling is, there is no age difference nor limit in learning because you can study along side your children and they in turn see the God you wanted to know. This results in them, wanting to know your One True God as well. #HomeschoolBravely2022 #HomeschoolForMe2022 #GumpicSchooling2022 #IntentionalParenting2022